Service Projects
At the very heart of Serve the City is servanthood. Part of being a disciple of Jesus Christ is serving people in need. Every community has a need; it's just up to us to find it and do something about it. What needs do you see in your community? What stories do you have about meeting those needs? Tell us! We want to partner with you as you spread the HOPE of Christ.
Sometimes Serve the City service projects happen in conjunction with Christian conferences. For example, YFA will be partnering with Xtreme Summer Conference and serving the communities of Panama City and Panama City Beach, Florida. This is a chance for youth groups at the conference to actively live out the things they are being taught. It's one thing to just go to a conference and listen to great speakers and music. But that doesn't really change anything for God's Kingdom if that's all we do. It's another thing altogether when that experience is coupled with ACTION!
Now that Covid is behind us, YFA is starting to schedule Serve The Cities in 2023. We are excited as communities open back up to be doing large events starting Spring of 2023.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail us at or fill out the form below.